On Sunday, October 9th, Australian natives The Temper Trap delivered a wild and fantastic show to an energetic audience that helped fueled the band throughout the set. The crowd immediately began dancing and singing along when the band opened with “Thick as Thieves,” the title track from their new album. The song then flowed into “Love Lost,” another grand indie-rock hit with a little bit of glam thrown in from the band that the crowd knew well and loved.
After playing one of their more popular singles, “Fall Together,” a song with a great rock vibe and carries the feel of a classic alternative hit, the band engaged in banter with the crowd. Lead singer Dougy Mandagi talked his about his excitement with the new album, Thick as Thieves and how great it was for the band to be back on the road for a new album. After a couple more new songs, the band dived into an oldie, but a goodie. The band plays “Resurrection,” a song with an edgy space and glam rock sound to it. Fans were excited about the classic and encouraged the band on with their screams, singing, and dancing.
In typical rock ‘n roll fashion, Temper Trap played “Drum Song,” which as the name suggests is truly a drum song. No words were sang, shouted, or spoken. Instead, it was all about the music as the band pounded away at the drums, delivering a wall of sound made up entirely of percussions. Intermixed were some of the other instruments such as the electric guitars, but this moment was all about the beats of the drums and having one last great rock and roll moment before they walked off the stage. The band put their hearts and souls into the song, and when they finally walked off, there was not one person in the crowd who was disappointed with the show they just heard.
But of course, the show wasn’t quite over yet. The band came back and took the crowd on an emotional and spiritual journey with “What If I’m Wrong.” The song is about everyone’s desire to fit into this world, to find a place to belong, and the struggles that simply loving can sometimes cause. The crowd received the emotional but simple ballad well as they threw the hands up, turned their faces to the sky, and swayed back and forth as Mandagi sang on.
The band then got ready to close out with “Sweet Disposition,” a long time crowd favorite off of their 2009 album, Conditions. The song is one of those that just beg for the crowd to sing-along, and the huge mass of people did not disappoint. They shouted along with the band, inspiring Mandagi to step off the stage and into the crowd to finish the song. It was a perfect way to end the night, with Mandagi in the pit and the whole venue singing along to this indie anthem. At the end of the song, Mandagi got back on the stage, and the band thanked the crowd for their positive response and enthusiasm during the show. However, it was clear that we should have been thanking the band for delivering such a high energy and incredible show. The next time the band visits Music City, you better make sure to get a ticket because they will most certainly not disappoint.